P&G Gain: Gain by Gain.
"P&G Gain: Gain by Gain."
[scene: Ty Burrell dressed in black, staring off into the distance]
Ty Burrell, voice-over:
Don't laugh. This is super serious. I'm in a fragrance ad, people.
[several shots of Ty being photographed by flash-bulb cameras and running down hallways in slow motion while making sexy faces]
Ty Burrell, voice-over:
Living a fantasy, a flashbulb filled, fragrance fantasy. Because the world of scent isn't about making sense. It's about making sexy faces. It's about running down hallways in slow motion making sexy faces.
[Black-dressed Ty enters a room where a man dressed in white is standing, facing away from the camera. He turns to reveal that he is also Ty Burrell]
Ty Burrell, voice-over:
Searching for an answer, only to find more questions, like who's this gorgeous guy? And why does he smell so darn good?
Black-Dressed Ty:
Holy nostrils, that smells so nice! [leans in close to White-Dressed Ty and smells his collar, then leans away] Sorry, I'm going back in. [leans in and smells collar again] What is that?
White-Dressed Ty:
I know, right?
[shown on screen: title: Keep out of reach of children.]
[scene: outside. A Gain Flings bottle is superimposed on the screen. The two Tys are off to the side, looking up as though they see superimposed bottle as if it were floating in the sky.]
Gain, by Gain.
Black-Dressed Ty:
Oh, Gain Laundry detergent, that stuff smells great.
[shown on screen: title: The seriously good scent.]
"P&G Gain: Gain by Gain."
[scene: Ty Burrell on a beach, dressed in casual attire, looking out at waves crashing and holding a green scarf]
Ty Burrell, voiceover:
Why am I so devastated-ingly handsome? Because I'm in a fragrance ad, and my sweetheart's gone sayonara, this scarf all that's left to remember... [sniffs scarf]
[shown on screen: title: Out of storage]
Ty Burrell:
What, she washed this like a month ago? How's a guy supposed to move on?
The long lasting scent of Gain Flings.
Ty Burrell:
[throws scarf offscreen. wind immediately blows the scarf back, it hits him in the face.]
[shown on screen: the Gain Flings Bottle and the P&G logo. title: The Seriously Good Scent. Keep out of reach of children.]