
Leo Burnett Toronto Launches Campaign to Pirate-Proof Porches for ecobee

In a world where online shopping has become the norm, protecting delivered packages from porch pirates is more critical than ever. ecobee's new marketing campaign from Leo Burnett Toronto is designed to address this rampant issue head-on.

ecobee’s new Smart Doorbell Camera and the ecobee Smart Security system can scare off porch pirates, but only if pirates don’t steal them before they’re installed. The campaign's innovative approach includes sending a special bundle of home security products in new, discrete packaging that blends into their front porch, ensuring the products are safe before they’re even installed.

"We're always looking for conversations happening in culture and an authentic role for our brands in that space,” says Steve Persico, Chief Creative Officer Leo Burnett Toronto. “Porch piracy is an emotion-filled topic and we thought ecobee had the right to fight against this problem. Changing how a brand ships their product is a great example of our focus on acts over ads."

Acting as both timely and essential, especially as package theft peaks during the summer and into the holiday season, ecobee is meeting worried consumers with actionable solutions. Porch pirates, who often strike multiple times, have become a significant concern for online shoppers. By launching this campaign, ecobee is not only raising awareness about the prevalence of package theft but also offering a practical solution to a widespread problem.

By combining a fun, engaging theme with a serious message, ecobee’s latest campaign captures shoppers’ attention and addresses a common pain point. This proactive approach directly meets consumer needs, empowering brand loyalty and positioning ecobee as a leader in innovative home security solutions before the hardware is even installed – making it an essential campaign for today’s vigilant online shopper.